Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Role Of FEMA In Flood Damage Areas

The USA has been affected with some devastating floods in recent years. Hurricane Andrew destroyed many lives in Florida saw many hurricanes in Hurricane left thousands of people homeless in If you ever suffer from a natural disaster such as floods, probably one of the worst disasters in the country, Katrina, you should contact FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA is the government body which has been given the responsibility of supporting the country's emergency management services. It was set up in 2003 as an integral part of the US Department of Homeland Security. Its mission is to protect the country from all natural and man-made disasters.

It aims to do so by developing an emergency management system which includes preparing for such responding and recovering from these disasters and reducing the effects of these disasters, protecting from such disasters, disasters. The FEMA provides its services through different states and communities. It provides trainings to emergency managers throughout the country. It provides help during disasters such as floods. It manages the national insurance programs which deal with crimes and floods. When a disaster happens, it organizes the federal response.

It not only provides ground support during it also provides the much needed professional and financial help to state and local bodies in their rebuilding efforts, but along with the Small Business Administration, floods. The FEMA also teaches people skills to cope with a natural disaster. It teaches them during and after a flood, such as what to do before, guidelines. Its intention is to help individuals reduce the effects of flood damage by doing so. FEMA also helps communities to be better prepared for floods and flood damage.

They provide access to flood maps which help communities in evaluating the flood hazard in their area to prepare for any impending floods and flood damages. Flood damage can result in massive losses to your property, often wiping out your complete home. FEMA can be of great help to you in such cases. It will help you get back on your feet by providing loans with very low interest. These loans can be of two types. The first type of loan is given for taking care of your housing requirements.

This can be used for setting up a temporary house, or rebuilding houses that are not covered under insurance. In some it can also provide financial assistance for the construction of permanent housing structures, such as in remote areas, cases. The second type of loan is given for taking care of your non-housing requirements. These can include the following: Medical and dental needs which have arisen due to flood damage or other disasters. The necessary fuels for heating, such as oil and gas. Your requirements for cleaning tools such as vacuum cleaners and household items, clothing, dehumidifiers, and educational material for your children.

Costs involved in moving or storing your possessions while repairs are being made to hour house. Assistance for your vehicles which have been damaged due to the floods. Funeral and burial costs if there has been a death in your family during these floods. Besides these, FEMA will provide financial assistance for any other costs which are authorized by law. Flood can lead to extensive damage to your house and property.

In situations where there has been flood damage, FEMA can be of great assistance.

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